SOLIS is a cloud based SOLs delivery and inventory management system.


  • SOLIS shortens the delivery cycle from OrSense to the client’s inventory and from inventory to the field.
  • The system enables Purchasing and Operations Managers to optimize operational and financial performance by providing better visibility and control of inventory status.

SOLs, are the NBM-200 digital equivalent of cuvettes, each SOL enabling one Hb measurement.

    SOLs transfer from inventory to the field instantly. Purchased SOLs can be used with any NBM-200 device

Managing your inventory made easy

  • Order SOLs as needed
  • Reduce inventory, maintenance and shipping cost
  • Distribute SOLs to clients or end users, any time, from your computer or mobile device
  • Optimize utilization – balance SOLs distribution to regional offices/devices in line with  expected rate of use
  • Build secondary – inventories clients can run independently
  • Stay in control, monitor use, generate reports
  • Quickly react in an emergency, excess capacity can be transferred immediately

What are the SOLIS advantages?


Optimized purchasing

– Order in bulk, or Just in Time
– Electronic delivery, 24-48h order cycle from vendor, of any quantity to any location

Improved inventory handling

– No physical warehouse needed
– No shipping cost
– No expiration date


Improved service level

– Deliver in-time to any device on or off-line, close or far away, on fixed sites or mobiles

Built in traceability

– Complete inventory movement traceability
– Access all transactions information
– Equipment, operator, transaction reports

Simple, secured access

– Web based system, no software installation needed, access any time from any connected device
– Password protected, permission-based access
